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Energy Rating Labels Explained

Image of someone holding their phone, looking at an image of an energy rating label

Picture the scene. You’re looking for a new appliance and can’t decide between two models. They both have a C energy rating, but what does that mean? Is a C rating energy efficient? What do the other symbols on the energy rating label mean? Help is at hand! Our guide will talk you through everything you need to know about energy rating labels, so you can shop with confidence.

What is an energy rating label?

Energy rating labels were introduced in 1995. They were designed to help consumers learn more about the energy efficiency and running costs of the products they were buying. In 2021 the energy rating scale was simplified, making it harder for appliances to achieve the top rating. The aim was to make it clearer to consumers and to improve the standards of energy efficiency in the future.

Energy rating labels come with all major domestic appliances, and some smaller appliances. Each of the new energy rating labels shows the energy efficiency rating ranging from A to G. A being the most energy efficient and G being the least efficient. Some appliances are still on the old scale A+++ – D. These include tumble dryers, extractors and ovens.

What does an energy rating label tell you?

As well as the energy efficiency rating, the label gives you other useful information about the appliance. Let’s take a look at what each energy rating label shows you.

Dishwasher Energy Labels

    Washing Machine Energy Labels

      Washer Dryer Energy Labels

      Example of a washer dryer energy rating label

      Tumble Dryer Energy Labels

      Refrigeration Energy Labels

        Wine Cooler Energy Labels

          Television Energy Labels

          television energy labels explained

            Extraction Energy Labels

            Extraction energy label example

              Which energy rating is the most efficient?

              This depends on the type of appliance you are looking for. A is the top energy rating for washing machines, dishwashers and fridge freezers. The lowest rating is G. Cooker hoods, ovens and tumble dryers are still on the old energy rating scale. This means the top rating for these products is A+++ and the least efficient rating is D.

              The new American style fridge freezer scale is from A to G however most models are around E-F rated. The most energy efficient American style fridge freezers are currently C rated.

              Energy rating labels explained infographic
              Image Source:

              Energy labels explained

              Now that you know what each rating means, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision when it comes to buying new appliances. Aside from energy consumption, you can also decide which model to choose from based on capacity, noise levels and cycle duration.

              For more help and advice, call our experts who can help you find the right appliances to suit your needs.