Love doing the washing? Probably not, but it's one of those things that we have to do, so when choosing your laundry appliances make sure you look for the features which will make your life easier.
Let’s be honest, doing the washing can be quite a big task which none of us enjoy, especially if you’re washing for the whole family. That’s why we specialise in larger load laundry from premium brands allowing you to wash less frequently and leaving you more time to do what you enjoy.
Washing machines are available in both freestanding and integrated versions so if you have a utility room the obvious choice is freestanding, but if it’s going in the kitchen you might want to integrate it behind a furniture door to match the rest of your cabinetry.
Capacities range between 7 and 18kg so before you buy, it’s important to decide what you need depending on how many people you’re washing for. Spin speed is another important factor as a quicker maximum spin speed means less drying time. We offer a fantastic range of the best washing machines featuring the latest technology. If you need advice on washing machines to suit your needs please give us a call.
Tumble dryers are the best way to dry your clothes in the shortest time. You can have them integrated or freestanding and they come with a variety of different features depending on your budget. There are three main types of tumble dryers available; heat pump, condenser and vented.
Vented work by expelling warm air through a vent in an external wall whereas condenser dryers convert the steam into water and pump it into a container which you simply empty down the sink. The best condenser dryers are those with heat pump technology as they are much more efficient and more gentle on your fabrics but be aware that they do take considerably longer to dry.
Washer dryers are the perfect solution for those where space is at a premium and you don’t want to rely on the great British weather to dry your clothes! We have a great selection of both freestanding and integrated models to suit every requirement and budget.
Capacity is an important consideration when buying a washer dryer as the wash capacity will always be larger than the drying capacity. For example, a machine with a 10kg wash capacity usually has a drying capacity of 8kg, so you can’t do a full 10kg wash and dry load. Washer dryers don’t need venting out as they condense the steam and pump it out of the waste pipe.
Want to know more about heat pump tumble dryers and the technology behind them? View our buying guide for all the information you need before you make your final decision!