Washer Dryer FAQ’s

Washer dryers save you space, time, and effort. Three things we could all use more of. Unfortunately knowing which washer dryer to buy isn’t always an easy task. Especially if you’ve never owned one. Knowing how to use one correctly can be just as difficult. Our answers to your washer dryer FAQ’s should help.
What is a Washer Dryer?
A washer dryer functions as both a washing machine and a tumble dryer. These all-in-one appliances come in a variety of sizes and finishes. Choose between freestanding and integrated washer dryers to suit your needs. A washer dryer is a handy, space saving appliance that can accommodate households of any size.
How Do Washer Dryers Work?
Are you torn between buying a washing machine and tumble dryer, or a washer dryer? This section may help you choose. As an all-in-one appliance, washer dryers take up less space and require less effort to achieve the same results. Let’s look at exactly how your washer dryer works.
The wash cycle on a washer dryer operates in the exact same way as a washing machine does. Your clothes are cleaned using various spin speeds, your chosen water temperature and detergent. Once the wash cycle has finished, the water drains away via the waste pipe. The drying process uses hot air to draw the moisture out of your clothes. Condensation is then collected and drawn out of the machine via the waste pipe.

How Do You Use a Washer Dryer?
Washer dryers are popular for many reasons, one of which is how simple and effective they are. If you’re yet to use your own model or aren’t sure if you’ve been using it correctly, this is what you should be doing:
- Separate your washing into colours and whites and place your first load in the machine. Make sure not to overload your machine. As this will prevent your clothes from cleaning and drying properly.
- Put your detergent into the washer dryer. Most models will support the use of powder, liquid and capsules, so what you use is up to you. Often the tray can be found on the front face of the dryer near the top.
- Select your setting. If you’re not sure of the settings on your machine, consult your manual for more information. This step includes selecting a type of wash (e.g. hot or cold wash) and a drying setting.
Remember that once the cycle has begun the door will lock and you won’t be able to access your laundry. Make sure you’ve selected the right setting before
Do Washer Dryers Need a Vent?
In short, no they do not require a vent. Most washer dryers work in the same way as condenser tumble dryers. During the drying cycle, hot air condenses inside the drum and the water droplets drain away via the waste pipe.
What are the Different Types of Washer Dryer?
When you’re deciding which washer dryer to buy, it’s important to know all of your options. There are two installation types of washer dryer: freestanding and integrated.
Freestanding models can be placed anywhere, so long as they are close enough to the water supply and a plug socket. This gives you more freedom to position the washer dryer where you would prefer it and where you have space. It is also easier to move a freestanding washer dryer, if you were moving house, for example.
Integrated washer dryers are designed to fit into your kitchen units with a furniture door in front of them. This is a great option for those with limited space. If you need a washer dryer for an apartment or compact kitchen, then this style is worth considering. If your other appliances are integrated, it can look really effective to complement your existing style.

What Size Washer Dryer Do I Need?
Before buying a washer dryer it’s important to consider what capacity you will need. This refers to how much laundry the washer dryer can handle. Integrated models tend to have a smaller load capacity. Freestanding models usually have larger capacity options. This is because they aren’t restricted by kitchen cabinet dimensions.
It is important to mention that washer dryers have two different capacities. One for how much laundry the appliance can wash, and one for how much it can dry. The wash capacity is the larger of the two, so you’ll need to consider this first when choosing your washer dryer.
We recommend you avoid under or overfilling your washer dryer as this could damage the motor. It is advised to fill your drum to 3/4 full when running a wash cycle, and around half full when drying your clothes. This gives your laundry the space it needs to move around the drum to ensure it washes thoroughly and dries effectively.
For more information on finding the perfect washer dryer for your home, read our Washer Dryers Buying Guide.
We only stock washer dryers from top brands so you can be sure that you’re buying into quality. Browse our collection online today, with options to suit any budget. Fast and free delivery available!
Where Should I Put My Washer Dryer?
If you have a freestanding washer dryer and aren’t short of floor space then you have quite a few options. The most common locations for washer dryers include the kitchen, the utility room, and sometimes even the garage. Ultimately this depends on where your water and electrical outlets are and how much useable space you have.
If you don’t have a huge amount of floor space, or are looking specifically for an integrated model, then your options are more limited. Integrated models will often have a location designated either under a counter or within a kitchen unit.

How Long Does a Washer Dryer Take To Run?
The cycle length of a washer dryer will vary for a number of different factors. These can include the model, the amount of laundry you’re doing and the cycle you choose. Washer dryers do typically take longer to dry than a dedicated tumble dryer would. Another thing to note with a washer dryer is that you won’t be able to wash one load and dry another at the same time as you could with two separate appliances. So if you have lots of washing to do, it will take longer with a washer dryer than a washing machine and tumble dryer combination.
The answers to our washer dryer FAQ’s above should help you choose the right washer dryer to suit your needs. If you have any other questions, or would like any more information about our washer dryers, please contact our sales team. Our team of experts are on hand to help!