Kitchen Storage Ideas For Real, Busy Kitchens!

De-clutter and organise your busy kitchen with these interesting kitchen storage ideas. Whether you’ve got piles of old kitchen utensils, or cans and jars as far as the eye can see, we have the kitchen storage idea for you.
Efficient and structured kitchen storage is key to keeping a healthy and happy mind when cooking. It’s also super helpful to think about it when you’re planning a new kitchen.
We love kitchens here at Appliance City; we know the true pain of having to frantically look for utensils and seasoning and pasta packets when you need it most. Having a well-coordinated kitchen will certainly ease this stress.
We’re not saying your kitchen needs to be spotlessly clean. But simply organising your kitchen items into appropriate storage will save you space and mean move around your kitchen like a well-oiled machine.
For Organising Spice Jars

Spices and seasoning are the life and soul of your meals; you need them to hand and ready when cooking. Why not bring these simple spice storage hacks into your own home?
Magnetic Spice Rack
If you’ve got a fridge freezer, the side of it, or even the front of it can be turned into a seriously cool spice rack hack.
Or, like Ashley from Dreams Crumb True, you can use a fixed metal plate and really make a show of your spice rack. Hexagonal spice jars add a touch of sophistication too.
Credit: Dreams Crumb True
Spice Rack Drawer
Not everyone wants to see their spices on display. Sometimes keeping your seasoning jars out of sight, but easy to access, is much better than any other solution.
Keep your spices nice and tidy in a spare drawer like this DIY one from Tammy and Sarah from Sammy on State. Doing it yourself is often so much better than buying new, as you can recycle old material and you can fit it to your exact requirements.
Credit: Sammy on State
Shelf Spice Rack
Now, shelf spice racks can come in many different shapes and sizes, so make sure you choose wisely. Whether you want something DIY, or something you can just buy and clip on, there’s plenty of spice racks out there for you to buy or build.

Credit: PalletcraftdesignsGB

For Organising Cutlery Drawers

You may think with cutlery storage you can do only one thing. You’re wrong. If you’re fed up of the flimsy plastic cutlery drawer, swap it for some of the kitchen storage hacks below.
Vertical Cutlery Drawer
If you like to be a little out there, why not tip your cutlery drawer on its head? Literally! If you have a deep drawer in your kitchen, having your cutlery sit vertical could save you a lot of space in other drawers. You could make your own budget DIY drawer, or you could use simple tall baskets to get the desired effect.
Hidden Storage Drawer
Hidden cutlery storage can come in one of two ways, a drawer within a drawer, or a slimline between cupboards roller. The drawer within a drawer may only be feasible if you’re in the process of planning your kitchen suite. Similarly, the slimline storage roller would be difficult if you don’t have any space between your cabinets. However, we do think these storage ideas are super clever and worth a shot!
A Cutlery Caddy
Cut out the clutter with a cutlery caddy! This is a portable storage hack that will improve the efficiency of your meal times. You can take the caddy too and from the dining table with ease. It reduces the amount of time setting the table, and you can fill it up straight from the dishwasher for less hassle.
This kitchen caddy is really creative and bright. You could even get the kids involved for the painting!
Credit: Madame Criativa via The Whoot
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For Organising Cupboards

Kitchen cupboard organising can be a pain! If they’re above you, you can’t see exactly what tin cans or crockery you’re getting. And if they’re under your kitchen counter, you can often find that Tupperware, bottles and jars pile up fast. Put some method into the madness with these storage ideas below.
Shelf it up
Cupboards are really tall for no apparent reason. Having loads of space above your crockery in the cupboards may be a familiar sight to you. No matter how much you arrange and re-arrange your kitchen cupboard items, it still doesn’t feel efficient enough. Solve this by setting up wire shelving units, corner shelving units or just by simply adding more shelves!

Credit: Amazon

Credit: H20 Bungalow
Lazy susans are your friend
Sometimes the best solution is to just get a lazy susan for your cupboard. You can place it anywhere you like and get as many as you like. You’ll instantly see the difference of how easy it is to get your favourite oils, jars and spices!
This lady shows you how you can make your own lazy susan, or you can buy your own from Amazon.
Credit: The Art of Doing Stuff
Over the cupboard door solutions
Personally I find this hack to be tricky. Yes, over the cupboard storage solutions add extra space to your cupboards by moving the pots and pans to the side. However, the over the door hooks can often make your cupboards not close seamlessly. And sometimes when you swing the door open, things can go flying.
I must admit though, a lot of these over-the-door cupboard storage ideas look fantastic. They can hide away difficult to store items like foil and plastic wrap, and they’re super space savers if you’ve got deep cabinets.
Credit: Family Handyman
For Organising Fruit and Vegetables

In the wrong place fruits and vegetables can go off really fast. Nobody wants a bag of mushy onions and potatoes. Give your fruits and veggies a home they deserve. Not only to make your life easier, but to improve the lifespan of your produce.
DIY Produce Stand
I love this do it yourself idea from Over the Big Moon. It makes a lovely display of your fruits and vegetables. Not only does it keep them aerated, you can clearly see when you’re running out too.
Credit: Over the Big Moon

Metal Storage Baskets (stack ’em!)
This idea is for when you don’t want to have your veggies on display. These metal storage baskets certainly keep your fruits and vegetables neat and tidy. Stackable storage solutions are just so satisfying.
Obviously the person who owns this storage has an over abundance of citrus fruits, but you can use it for in-cupboard storage of things like sweet potatoes and garlic.
Credit: The Container Store
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Wall Mounted Farmers Market
A kitchen storage idea your kids will love! Whether you make it a big part of your kitchen, or a little one, this wall mounted farmers market will definitely make people more excited to go pick up some fruit to eat.
Credit: happylittlehomeshop

For Organising Your Fridge Freezer

A fridge freezer is the heart of your kitchen, or is it the brain? Without the proper storage solutions in your fridge, everything can become a mess really fast. To start with, make sure you know how to order your fridge! And now, according to your own kitchen requirements, find the fridge storage ideas that work for you…
Clever Clear Containers
Over organising a fridge can actually make it look more cluttered than before. That’s why we think the best storage solution are clear containers. It’s easy to see what food you have. They’re also easy to clean (in a dishwasher, if you have one) and great for moving produce around easily.
Credit: The Home Edit
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More Lazy Susans
One lazy susan in a fridge is enough for me, but you can have more if you like! Use it for easy to access condiments or open jars.
Credit: AnnMarie Mattila
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Bottle & Can Dispensers
Cans of beer and pop take up loads of space in your fridge freezer. Especially when they’re scattered all over the different shelves. Sort it out with a can dispenser!
You could try one of these DIY ones, or you get a can dispenser mat, which feels a lot less bulky compared to a thick box.
Credit: MakersLane
Top tip for fridge freezers organisation: FIFO! Use the ‘first in first out’ method to keep your fridge super duper tidy. You could even have a clear container for what needs to be used up first…
For Organising Your Utensils

Utensils are something you need to hand, that’s why we think it’s best to keep them organised in storage together. Rather than scattered around the kitchen everywhere! If you’re utensils are just lying around in drawers, or tough to get from their little pot, give them a new lease of life with these following kitchen storage hacks!
Hang them up!
Now this is how to have your utensils on easy access. You can simply install a rail, get some hooks and bish bash bosh your utensils are there ready to be used. No more spatulas preventing you from opening your drawers.

Credit: MeasuringFlower

Credit: HouseBeautiful
A Slimline storage roller
This is a kitchen storage solution that can accommodate many things. Not only do you have your utensils hidden away, but you have them ready for when you need them. You could even use it for stuff like cling film & foil, or even oils too.
Credit: Remodelaholic
Mason Jars
If you have plenty of counter space, or you like to make your utensils a feature of your kitchen, then this storage hack is definitely for you. Use some mason jars/storage jars, and decorate them in their own way to make multiple utensil holders.
This idea below is extra stylish with black decal lettering and duck egg blue paint.
Credit: thehappyfarmhouse

For Organising Your Crockery

Crockery (AKA plates, dishes, bowls and all that lovely stuff) can be awkwardly shaped. You also have a lot of them too, so they take up extra space. Often put in a cupboard for convenience, there’s then a massive gap above them that’s valuable storage space. If you want to rejuvenate your crockery storage, give these hacks a go!
Open Display storage
If you’ve got a lovely set of dishes, there’s no point in hiding them away. Make a show of them with an open display cabinet.
Credit: thegoldhive
Dish storage drawers
Again, this is fantastic for those with an abundance of drawers. This peg board drawer idea means you can store a multitude of dishes your own way and style. Then you can just simply open it and pick up the dish you need.
Credit: thegoldhive
Dish pantry
Do you love big, all expanding kitchen aesthetics? Yeah, me too. Tall cupboards, or even a little pantry store makes for a unique way to store your plates, bowls, glasses and serving dishes.
Kitchen Storage Ideas we found interesting…
Did you not find the kitchen storage hack you were looking for? We know every kitchen is unique, whether you’ve got a small apartment kitchen or a huge mansion kitchen, there’s not a one size fits all solution when it comes to storage space.
It’s also down to taste too! You may not want to have any plastic in your kitchen, or you may not like to have anything on your kitchen counters. Whatever you do, make the most of your space.
So if you didn’t find what you were looking for, we’ve compiled a few more interesting and unique kitchen storage ideas to satisfy those organisational cravings inside!
A Kitchen Island
Not everyone has space for a kitchen island. But if you do, they make ingenious methods of kitchen storage. Crockery, spices, utensils, you name it, it can house it. You could even add a dish drawer to save the need for a big dishwasher!
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Toe Kick Storage Ideas
Now this is kitchen storage innovation at its best. That space beneath your cupboards, it’s not being used. Give it an actual purpose by fitting it with its own drawer space. You could use it for baking sheets, tea towels or even plates. Great for small spaces and a new way to impress your guests!
Hang those pans
You could fit a telescopic rail to the top of your cupboards to keep your pots and pans from creating a problem. No more stacking towers.
Credit: familyhandyman
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