10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Wash In Your Dishwasher

Most would assume that a dishwasher (as the name quite simply states) is for washing dishes. But here at Appliance City we are slightly more imaginative.Yes it gets your dishes super clean with minimal effort, but believe it or not this rather marvellous appliance is a bit more versatile. Take a look at this ten unusual items you can give a thorough clean in your dishwasher.
1.) Hats
Yes it’s true! Stick your hats in the dishwasher and they will come out fresh as a daisy.Washing machines having a tendency to damage or misshape hats, so using your dishwasher is a great alternative. Place them on the top rack and run them through a regular cycle; they’ll come out sparkly clean and in perfect shape!
2.) Computer Keyboards
Keyboards get dirty FAST, especially if they are used by numerous people in your household. Sticky fingers, food spills, and unwashed hands all play a part in the build-up of nasty germs and sticky residue. Try sticking your keyboard in the dishwasher to get it squeaky clean and germ free! But beware, we can’t guarantee it will survive the trip!
3.) Sporting Gear
If you participate in sports yourself or if you have children that do then you know how much of a nightmare it can be to wash all those smelly sporting accessories such as knee and shin pads. Well guest what? You can whack them in the dishwasher as well. Even mouth guards can benefit from a quick spin.
4.) Car Parts
If you like your car to be clean but don’t like to break your back scrubbing then I have some great news for you. You can pop some of those tricky to clean car parts in the dishwasher and they will polish up rather nicely. Hubcaps, cup holders and change holders can all be spruced up but be sure to put any small parts into mesh bags to avoid losing them!
5.) Plastic Toys
If you have young children or children of any age in fact, than the dishwasher is, quite frankly, a life saver. Wash plastic toys, action figures, Lego, and even baby teethers quickly and easily using your dishwasher. They’ll come out sterilized and safe for your children to play with again.
6.) Shoes
Dishwashers are awesome for bringing a new lease of life to dirty shoes. Try washing canvas shoes such as converse, and even flip flops and wellies. Be sure to turn off the dry setting as it could ruin any rubber elements!
7.) Potatoes
Scrubbing potatoes is a tedious task! Get rid of any muddy residue without the elbow grease but simply putting them in the dishwasher. If you buy fresh vegetables that are still covered in mud, such as carrots or parsnips, why not try those too.
8.) Plastic Hairbrushes and Combs
Tackle dust, dirt and hairspray by simply sending your combs and hairbrushes for a spin in the dishwasher. Make sure you remove all hair from the teeth first though.
9.) Toothbrushes
Tooth brushes need to be sterilized fairly frequently in order to be effective and believe it or not putting your toothbrush in the dishwashers is a great way to do this. Tackle the whole families at once by tying them together and placing them on the top rack with their bristles facing down.
10.) Oven Knobs
If you’re a messy cooker like me, then there is no doubt that your oven knobs get their fair share of food splatters and sticky fingers. So instead of wasting your time trying to clean every nook and cranny pop them in the dishwasher and hey presto – clean, shiny, and ready to get messy again!