Fridge Freezer FAQs

Answering Your Fridge Freezer FAQs
There are lots of things to ask and consider when buying a fridge freezer. And then once you have one, you may have even more questions. It can be tough finding the answers you need. Luckily, we’re here to provide you with some information on some of the most commonly asked questions.
Fridge Freezer FAQs
What Fridge Freezer Should I Buy?
When you’re in the market for a new fridge freezer, all of the options can be quite overwhelming. So what should you look for when buying a new fridge freezer? This is a personal decision for you. Therefore, your priorities may differ from somebody else’s. However, the most important things to consider when buying a new fridge freezer are:

How Do I Choose a Good Fridge Freezer?
Now that you know what kind of fridge freezer you’re looking for, you can narrow down your search. But how do you know if a fridge freezer is good? The best way to know is by exploring reliable brands.
Learn more about reliable fridge freezer brands here: Best Brands for Fridge Freezers
Integrated vs Freestanding Fridge Freezer: Which is Better?
Whether an integrated or freestanding fridge freezer is better will depend on your needs and preferences. Both have their pros and cons, so the answer really relies on what you need out of a fridge freezer.
Below are the pros and cons of integrated and freestanding fridge freezers. These will help you decide on which is better for you.
Integrated Fridge Freezers Pros and Cons
- Blends seamlessly into your kitchen design
- Longer lifespan than freestanding models
- Standardised sizes make them easy to replace
- Can be built into the perfect location
- More expensive than freestanding models
- Smaller internal capacity on average
- Difficult to relocate
- More involved installation
Freestanding Fridge Freezers Pros and Cons
- Cheaper than integrated models
- Easy to move around
- Larger variety of sizes
- Bigger internal capacity on average
- Location is dependent on space constraints
- Shorter lifespan than integrated models
- Harder to blend into kitchen design
- Can be harder to replace a like-for-like size
Still not sure which is best for you? Our appliance experts are always happy to help on 0115 965 1937.
What are Fridge Freezer Ratings?
A fridge freezer energy rating will tell you how energy efficient it is. The more energy efficient, the cheaper it will be to run. As of 2021, all fridge freezers have an energy rating between A-G. A is the most energy efficient, whereas G is the least.

Can a Fridge Freezer Go Next to an Oven?
It isn’t recommended to place a fridge freezer next to an oven. This is because the heat will cause it to work harder to keep cool, impacting energy efficiency. However, in some circumstances it can be okay.
Learn more about it here: Is it OK to have an oven next to a refrigerator?
How Often Should You Defrost a Fridge Freezer?
How often you need to defrost your fridge freezer will depend on how much frost has built up inside. We recommend defrosting once it reaches ¼ inch in thickness.
You only need to defrost the freezer section of your fridge freezer. However, you won’t need to defrost at all if you have a frost free model. If your fridge is frosting up, the temperature is most likely set too low.
Learn how to defrost your freezer here: How to Defrost a Freezer
What Do My Fridge Freezer Features Mean?
There are lots of different features that fridge freezers can now include. From Holiday Mode to Fast Freeze, it can be quite confusing.
Our guide on Fridge Freezer Features Explained breaks a lot of the features down, and explains what they’re used for.

How Do I Fix my Fridge Freezer?
From water leaks to funny smells and noises, there are many common problems that your fridge freezer can face. Luckily, many of these have easy fixes. However, on other occasions it may be more cost effective to replace it.
Learn more about how to fix common problems here: Signs You Need a New Fridge Freezer.
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